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Hagley Reggae Band

On Friday 29th June the Reggae Band from Hagley Catholic Secondary School came to visit. The band played lots of wonderful Reggae music and shared lots of information about the musical instruments they were playing and stories behind each of the pieces of music they...

Fire Safety Talk

On Thursday 21st June the children from Year 4 were visited by some Fire Fighters who came into school to talk to the children about keeping safe at home. The Fire Fighters also spoke to the children about what they should do in the event of a fire and how they can...

A visit from the PCSO’s!

On Wednesday 9th May our local PCSO’s came into school to deliver an assembly to the whole school about how we can look after our community. The PCSO’s shared a presentation about how important it is to look after our local area and show respect for...

EYFS gets planting!

On Thursday 3rd May the children from Nursery and Reception worked with Guy from the e-Zone in our school garden. The children took time to take out any weeds and plant some new vegetables which we hope to harvest before we break up for the summer! Well done...

Internet Safety

On Monday 29th January PC Owen and PSCO Finney visited the children from Year 6 to discuss the importance of staying safe online. The Officers explained to the children about the importance of only using messaging apps and social media for good things and how sending...