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Welcome parents!

It was wonderful to welcome Year 5 parents into school this morning to take part in an RE lesson. Following the lesson parents were invited to have a coffee with the teacher to discuss the lesson together. We really appreciate parents taking the time to join us in...

Praying the Rosary

Today, during our first whole school gathering at the start of May, we prayed a decade of the Rosary together.  May is a month (along with October) dedicated to Our Lady and each day during May the children are learning about a different mystery of the Rosary and...

Congratulations Year 6!

Congratulations to Year 6 who celebrated their class Saint’s Day today. St Bernadette celebrated her Feast day on 16th April, but as we were on our Easter break, Year 6 came into school in their own clothes and learned more about St Bernadette and why she is such a...

First Reconciliation

Today the children from Year 3 took part in a special Reconciliation Service where the Catholic children received the Sarcrament of First Reconciliation. It was a lovely service and wonderful to be joined by parents and grandparents. Congratulations Year 3!