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St Peter and St Paul

On Thursday 29th June we held a special assembly to remember St Peter and St Paul who celebrate their feast day today. The children learned about the lives of St Peter and St Paul and why they share a feast day together – because they were both called by God to...

Year 5 lead Mass

On Tuesday 20th June Year 5 led our whole school Mass. The children played the instruments, carried the offertory read prayers and readings along with preparing a lovely display in front of the altar which reminded us of the values of hopeful and faith filled. Well...

Year 4 lead Mass

On Tuesday 13th June it was the turn of Year 4 to prepare and lead Mass in school. The children did a wonderful job of reading, singing, playing the instruments to accompany the music and creating a lovely display in front of the altar. Well done Year...

Mission Team

We have now launched our Mission Team in school! The Mission Team has two members from each class which are divided into two groups – Catholic Life Evaluators and Collective Worship Evaluators. The children work together and with the teachers to evaluate Catholic Life...