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Year 6 lead Mass

On Tuesday 27th November it was the turn of the children from Year 6 to lead our whole school Mass. The children did a wonderful job of reading, acting, bringing up the offertory and creating a lovely altar display.  The children also reminded us of the values we have...

KS1 lead Mass

On Tuesday 20th November it was the turn of the children from Years 1 and 2 to lead our whole school Mass with Father Louis. The children did a fantastic job of reading, acting and bringing up the offertory.  The children also reminded us of the values we are learning...

Year 3 lead Mass

On Tuesday 13th November it was the turn of the children from Year 3 to lead our whole school Mass in school. Year 3 did a wonderful job of preparing Mass by reading the readings clearly, acting to help us understand the Gospel and bringing the Offertory. Well done...