Wellbeing: Our Approach
We have a whole school approach to bullying where the whole school community, including the pupils, staff, parents and board of governors, are involved in confronting the issue of bullying.
Pupils know what to do if they see something that they are unhappy with and we work together to ensure that our children feel safe, secure, happy and valued.
Every year we take part in the national anti-bullying week and school holds an additional focus week, where we raise awareness and remind children of what to do if they feel bullied or unhappy.
During the year we also have Brilliant in Britain Weeks where we learn about other faiths, cultures and fundamental British Values.

Counselling and play therapy can be used in many ways as a successful intervention. We have a Counsellor who visits the school once a week to work with children who need emotional and/or behaviour support.
Rainbow Counsellors
We have a number of staff members trained in Rainbow Bereavement Counselling. Staff have been trained and have age appropriate resources to help support children and their families who have suffered a bereavement.
Sycamore Centre
We work very closely with staff from the Sycamore Centre who offer advice and support to staff in order to help support children with their behaviour.
We hold ‘Behaviour Clinics’ regularly where any member of staff can arrange to meet with staff from the Sycamore Centre to get advice and support for both in school and support for parents too.
Having Someone to Talk To
Throughout the school we have posters reminding the children that if they are worried about anything – however small – they can speak to ANY member of staff who they feel most comfortable with.