Curriculum Introduction
The Intent of our Curriculum
Our curriculum aims to have nurtured the values of the Catholic School Pupil Profile along with an understanding of Catholic Social Teaching within all of the children by the time they complete Key Stage 2, through a research based, knowledge based sequenced curriculum.
The values of the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile and the principals of Catholic Social Teaching are spiritual, personal and academic values that will prepare children both for the next stage in their education and also for adult life.
As well as nurturing the values of the Catholic School Pupil Profile and Catholic Social Teaching, our curriculum also meets and exceeds the subject content demands of the National Curriculum for England.

The Implementation of our Curriculum
There is a clear sequenced plan for every subject of the curriculum based on academic research where knowledge is organised to help children know more and remember more.
Units of work are carefully sequenced to ensure they build upon each other to reinforce and extend previous learning. The curriculum for each subject is carefully cross referenced to what has been learnt before and what will be learnt in the future to enable children to know more and remember more.
The curriculum is also matched to the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and we make explicit links between the spiritual and academic values and the lesson content.
Within each curriculum unit of work, the lesson content is broken into component chunks that build together towards a composite piece of learning within the subject.
We use a wide range of resources to help us to deliver our curriculum, including published schemes of work where these match our own curriculum plan.
Leaders plan a fluent, accurate, connected, enabling and deep curriculum to enable children to commit knowledge to their long term memory.
Monitoring the Impact of our Curriculum
School leaders and subject leaders monitor the quality of the provision in every subject throughout the year using a range of monitoring tools.
Subject monitoring includes lesson observations, book scrutiny and pupil interviews. Great care is taken to listen to the views of children so that we can ensure they are engaged and motivated by our curriculum. We are constantly adapting our curriculum to meet the needs of pupils.
Attainment and progress data is collected every term and is carefully analysed to identify any gaps in learning that need reteaching. Data is also carefully analysed to look for trends and address weaknesses where these exist.
School leaders and subject leaders prepare action plans every year to develop and improve the provision for each subject.
Our curriculum also reflects requirements for inclusion and equality as set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 and Equality Act 2010 and refers to curriculum-related expectations of governing boards set out in the Department of Education’s Governance Handbook. Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework
If you would like further information about our curriculum, please email us at school.
Our Teaching and Learning Policy: ‘How We Learn’
We have a simple and consistent approach to teaching and learning throughout the school from Early Years through to Year 6.
As a result of being rooted in the Catholic School Pupil Profile and Catholic Social Teaching, our teaching and learning approach is a seamless component of the curriculum itself.
Our approach to teaching and learning is rooted in both Blooms Taxonomy and The Catholic School Pupil Profile.