St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School Blog

Reception’s Assembly

Reception’s Assembly

Thank you to Reception class who shared their knowledge about Noah and his Ark this morning. The children were so confident and we are so very proud of them all!

Parent Lessons!

Parent Lessons!

Thank you to the parents that were able to join Year 3 today! The children really enjoy showing and sharing their learning!

Poetry Recital

Poetry Recital

Our Poetry Recital was wonderful this afternoon! Children from Nursery to Year 6 sharing poems they’d learned! The children were confident, happy and entertaining! It was lovely to be joined by so many parents too!

Online Safety

Online Safety

The children have been learning about online safety today as it’s Safer Internet Day! We have sent a link out to our parents too to help them stay up to date with the latest online safety information!…/national-online…/id1530342372

Girls Football Team

Girls Football Team

Well done to our girls football team who represented St Joseph’s this week at Dudley College! They had a great time and we’re so proud of them all!

Year 2 Assembly

Year 2 Assembly

Thank you to Year 2 who led our Prayer, Merit and Liturgy on Friday. The children shared their learning about the Feast of Candlemas and acted out how Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple.

Trinity Club

Trinity Club

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend Trinity Club today where the focus was Online Safety. It’s lovely to have parents in school to share their thoughts and ideas!

Jubilee Signs

Jubilee Signs

Our new signs are up! Prayer, Social Action and Fundraising are the three things we are called to do this Jubilee Year!

Year 1 Mass

Year 1 Mass

Thank you to Year 1 who led our whole school Mass this morning. Eloquent reading, lovely acting, offertory processing and instrument playing too!



Today, during Prayer and Liturgy we shared the SJBCA Jubilee Year of Hope boat and our school’s special symbol! We can’t wait for Luce, Santino and the boat to arrive at St Joseph’s!

Window Decorations

Window Decorations

We are really pleased with our new hall window decorations! Three images to show the Sacraments we prepare our children to receive: Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation alongside an image of the cross.

Year 2 Mass

Year 2 Mass

Thank you to Year 2 who led our whole school Mass this week. We shared the Gospel of where Jesus teaches the disciples that we are all brothers and sisters. This is so very important and we truly understand our mission to pray for and support our brothers and sisters...

Year 6 Visit London!

Year 6 Visit London!

Year 6 have had a wonderful time in London today! The children went inside the House of Parliament and took part in a workshop before going on the London Eye and doing some sightseeing!

Brilliant in Britain Week

Brilliant in Britain Week

This week has been a Brilliant in Britain Week where we have been looking at different cultures and the contribution of significant people. During the week the children have looked at England and Princess Diana, Pakistan and Malala Yousafzai, Africa and Nelson...

Year 1 Assembly

Year 1 Assembly

Thank you to Year 1 who led an assembly all about St John Bosco today. The children shared information about his life and linked his work to Catholic Social Teaching.

Gymnastics Event

Gymnastics Event

Some of our children had a wonderful time at a Gymnastics event hosted by Dudley College this week! They really had a lot of fun trying all the different equipment!

Pilgrims of Hope

Pilgrims of Hope

We all had a wonderful time at the launch of the Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope Archdiocese event this morning. It was so special to be part of of the event with so many other schools throughout the archdiocese.

Message of Hope

Message of Hope

Our illuminated signs of Hope are now in place! We want to share the message of hope with everyone during the Jubilee Year!

RSPB Birdwatch

RSPB Birdwatch

Today we took part in the RSPB Birdwatch! Children went into St Francis’ Forest and hid in the bird hide and other creative places to see which birds they could spot!