St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Welcome to the Local Governing Body area of the website where we will post information about the membership and work of the Local Governing Body.

Governors play a very important role in the life of the school and we would like to explain who we are and what we do.

So who are we?

We are a group made up of governors of parents, staff and practising Catholics. This means that we bring together a very wide range of views and experience from both within and beyond the school.

Governors don’t need any formal qualifications, expertise or previous experience, just some time to offer and an interest in helping to ensure that every student gets the most out of their time at our school and our other Dudley Schools.

We work as a team and although we each belong to a particular category (parent governor, staff governor etc.); we don’t formally represent that group on the Local Governing Board. For example, parent governors don’t represent the parents at the schools or report back to them.

And what do we do?

The Local Governing Board is a key partner in school leadership, working very closely with the principal and staff of each school. The Local Governing Board is responsible for safeguarding, monitoring and accounting for St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. The Local Governing Board is directly accountable to the Board of Directors of the St John Bosco Catholic Multi Academy Company.

The way in which we do this:

The Local Governing Board is responsible for ensuring the successful delivery by the Principals of the day to day operational matters affecting the daily life of the schools as delegated by the Board of Directors.

We act as a ‘critical friend’ to the schools, it is our job to decide we are satisfied with the answers and ensure the right action and measures are then taken.

Governors monitor progress of students in each individual schools and report on progress, ensuring accountability between the leadership teams of the schools and ourselves who are accountable to parents/carers and the wider community.

Local Governing Board Members

NameType of Governor
Mrs Deborah HowellChair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Mrs Nicola VizorVice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Mrs Andrea BromleyFoundation Governor
Mrs Carly HeathFoundation Governor
Mrs Maria MullenFoundation Governor
(vacancy)Foundation Governor
Mr Piotr TrojanowskiParent Governor
Mrs Saira QaiserParent Governor
Miss Christine LyttleStaff Governor