At St. Joseph’s, we love reading and we recognise that the reading ability of a child has a massive impact on how well they can access the whole curriculum.
We use the highly successful Read Write Inc Phonics programme to teach our children to become fluent, confident readers who are able to successfully comprehend and understand a wide range of texts. Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK’s primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.
Our aim is for all pupils to develop a love of reading, a good knowledge of a range of authors, and be able to understand more about the world through the knowledge they gain from texts. We provide language-rich classroom environments and a curriculum where children are exposed to, and actively engage with, high quality language in varying forms in a meaningful, deliberate and engaging way.

In EYFS and Children on the RWI Phonics Programme
Children have a reading book which is matched to the phonics scheme which they read in school. Children take home a ‘book bag book’ from the RWI phonics scheme which is matched to their phonics stage to read independently. Children also take home a book to share with an adult, along with a Library book from the school library.
Beyond Phonics
Children are benchmarked to assess their stage of reading. Children take home book from their benchmarked stage to read independently. In KS2 children are also enrolled on Reading Plus, an online programme they access for 90 minutes a week in school and can access at home. KS2 children can also access books from the school library.
To be taught daily in EYFS, KS1 and in Years 3 and 4 where necessary.
School follows RWI Phonics and children are assessed a key points to ensure that the group they are working in allows then to achieve the best possible results.

Individual Reading
All children in KS1 and on the Phonics Programme should be heard read once a week.
Records must include the name of the book, the date the child has been heard read and notes about how the child is progressing – this is in addition to completing the child’s reading record which MUST go home and come back to school to show how parents and the school are working together.
What our Children Say…
“I like reading with my friend.” – Year 1 child
“Fred is funny and I like him.” – Reception child
“I am getting better at knowing special friends.” – Year 1 child
Deepening Opportunities
We hold special workshops for parents so that they know how to support children at home. We have after school sessions for targeted children to help them to deepen their phonic knowledge. Staff have regular CPD so that they can support the children in the best way possible.