It is our intention at St. Joseph’s that every child will be a competent and enthusiastic writer for a variety of different purposes, using grammar and punctuation accurately. They will be able to use rich language developed from their wide range of reading to ensure the text types meet the needs of the audience that is intended.
Curriculum Overview
Spellings are to be taught weekly in KS2 and evidence of the teaching of spelling is in the RWI spelling books.
Children are sent home with differentiated words to learn which are tested weekly and marked by an adult to ensure that they are correct.

To be taught weekly and evidence of this in the Writing Book. Writing may be based on the English unit of work, or be linked to RE, Science etc.
If writing is linked to RE especially, complete the writing in the RE book and put a sticker in the Writing book to signpost where the weeks writing can be found.
See the document below which shows the different genre that each year group will be focusing on:

Taught at least once a week. Lessons will show grammar, punctuation and possibly spelling work along with handwriting practise in the handwriting workbooks in KS1 and in English books in KS2. Objectives will be linked to the English units of work.

What our Children Say…
“I have a pen license because my handwriting is so neat.” – Year 4 child
“I like writing reports because I get to share what I think and why.” – Year 5 child
“I can write in lots of different ways. I liked writing letters to persuade the school to get a gym – and we did!” – Year 5 child
Deepening Opportunities
We hold special workshops for parents so that they know how to support children at home. There is a focus on writing throughout the whole curriculum to give children the opportunity to write in different contexts for different audiences.