The music curriculum aims to provide children with many opportunities to listen, create, perform, evaluate music from a range of different periods, genres and styles. Through our curriculum children will develop the knowledge and skills within the Three Pillars of Music, technical, constructive and expressive as well as the interrelated dimensions of music. Our curriculum is based on research which has been carefully and meticulously sequenced throughout the year groups which helps provide a progression in skills and knowledge.
Curriculum Overview
What our Children Say…
“I’m great at playing the drums and I can’t wait to learn the guitar.” – Year 4 child
“I like the orchestra as it’s a chance to play lots of different instruments in harmony.” – Year 6 child
“Mr C is great – he makes us laugh and teaches us lots.” – Year 3 child
“I like playing the recorder and have learned lots of different notes.” – Year 2 child
Deepening Opportunities
We have a school choir who perform at lots of different events – in school and in the community. Our music lessons are taught by experts so that children have a specialised curriculum which is delivered by enthusiastic and talented individuals. Children also have the opportunity to have individual music lessons and join orchestras and organisations outside of school through staff identifying talent and signposting families.