St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School



At St Joseph’s we aim to provide children with a high quality and broad History curriculum, helping children to gain coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.

Our curriculum aims to have nurtured the values of the Catholic School Pupil Profile and the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching within all children by the time they complete Key Stage 2, through a researched based, knowledge based, sequenced curriculum.

Our curriculum allows children to eloquently ask questions about the past through the use of a range of historical sources.

Units of work are carefully sequenced to ensure that they build upon each other to reinforce and extend previous learning. The History curriculum has been carefully cross referenced to previous and future learning to enable children to know more and remember more.

We use a published scheme, supplemented by other resources, to deliver our History curriculum and this meets the demands of the National Curriculum.

What our Children Say…

“I love learning about the history of religion and people’s beliefs.” – Year 5 child

“The past is endless and fun to learn about.” – Year 4 child

“I loved going to jail when we learned about Crime and Punishment.” – Year 6 child

Deepening Opportunities

There are trips to give children the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of History eg. Black Country Museum, Dudley Castle, Steel House Lane, Canal Trust etc

Due the area, there are many local opportunities for children to explore the rich history of the Black Country.