Art and Design
At St. Joseph’s, we inspire our children to think and work like artists and designers. The Curriculum for Art and Design provides pupils with the opportunity to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences, to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. The curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to evaluate and analyse creative works, using the language of art, craft and design and to know about great artists, craft makers and designers, understanding the historical and cultural development of their art forms. In Key Stage 1, pupils build on the foundations of the EYFS curriculum. Across the school, the curriculum develops skills across the disciplines of drawing, painting, collage, printing, textiles, sculpture and digital art and design. In Design, pupils analyse existing products, learn to use a range of materials to design and make products and to represent their ideas and experiences and to evaluate the effectiveness of these products/designs. In Art they develop an understanding of the concepts of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. All pupils learn about the work of artists and crafts people.
Within our Art Curriculum, we set high expectations for all children whether they are prior higher attaining, from disadvantaged backgrounds, children with English as an additional language or have a specific educational need or disability.
Our Art curriculum is rooted in the Catholic Schools Pupil Profile and the national curriculum. The aim of the whole school curriculum is to nurture within the children all of the values and academic skills described in the Catholic Schools pupil profile whilst delivering the requirements of the national curriculum for each subject and the agreed Diocesan curriculum for Religious Education. The CSPP is presented as a tree symbolising children’s growing competence across the curriculum as they progress from year to year through their education at St. Joseph’s.
Curriculum Overview
What our Children Say…
“I like art because it lets my creativity flow and helps me relax.” – Year 5 child
“Art lets my imagination run wild.” – Year 5 child
“We learn different skills and techniques for the future in case we want to be an artist.” – Year 5 child
“You can draw, paint and look at patterns.” – Year 4 child
Deepening Opportunities
We have an after-school Art club which children are encouraged to attend along with opportunities for them to use a range of artistic expression through classroom and corridor displays.
There are trips to art galleries, art exhibitions and opportunities to take part in art competitions and art projects both in school and in the MAC.