St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School



Number and arithmetic are at the heart of our maths curriculum here at St. Joseph’s. We aim for all our children to become familiar with number in a variety of forms from an early age in order to develop confidence and understanding.

We intend to make lessons varied, practical, engaging and enjoyable, catering for different learning styles and giving children the opportunity to succeed and be challenged at the appropriate level.

By making real-life links, children see the value and importance of maths as well as having opportunities to solve problems and try different methods, which aids understanding of the reasoning behind each concept. Through our curriculum, our children develop the required knowledge and skills to become confident and determined mathematicians who enjoy the subject and are ready to move onto the challenges of the subject at secondary school.


EYFS and Key Stage 1

In addition to daily maths lessons, children complete a Number Sense Maths lesson/activity to aid mathematical fluency.

Number Sense Maths

Children in KS1 are enrolled on Numbots an online platform to enable them to complete number bonds activities at home.


Key Stage 2

In addition to a daily maths lesson, children compete a ‘4 Ops’ activity at the start of each lesson. This is to support the teaching of fluency. On four days the children have four questions based on the four operations of maths which builds towards ‘Fluency Friday’ where misconceptions from the questions are addressed.

Children in KS2 are enrolled on TTRockstars an online platform to enable them to complete times tables activities at home.

Times Tables Rockstars

What our Children Say…

“It stimulates my brain.” – Year 5 child

“When you learn calculations it makes your brain work harder so you can know more.” – Year 4 child

“It’s challenging, but when you keep going it can be fun!” – Year 6 child

Deepening Opportunities

We have a planned programme for fluency to support children knowing more and remembering more along with helping them embed knowledge to free up their cognitive load when learning new concepts.

There are opportunities built in the curriculum for children to broaden their knowledge and delve deeper into various mathematical concepts.