St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Year 3 Nativity

Year 3 Nativity

Thank you to Year 3 for sharing the Annunciation, Visitation and Joseph’s Dream part of the Nativity story this morning. Beautiful singing and stunning images too. Well done children.
Year 4 Nativity

Year 4 Nativity

Thank you to Year 4 who shared their part of the Nativity story this afternoon. The children shared Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, how it was a difficult journey but Joseph took care of Mary and found them a place to rest for the night – a humble...
EYFS Nativity

EYFS Nativity

Well done to Nursery and Reception children for sharing their Nativity play today. The children sang and acted beautifully and were so very proud of them.
Church Service

Church Service

It was very special to share the Nativity in church tonight. Thank you to the wonderful children and their parents for coming to be with us. In the hectic time before Christmas it’s so important to be reminded of the real reason we celebrate.
Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who joined us this evening! An amazing event! Thank you to everyone who donated prizes and their time to make our fair so special!
Advent Angels

Advent Angels

In the week ahead, full of nativity plays, carols concerts and excited children it’s nice to know that the staff have an Advent Angel to look after them.