St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Year 3 Mass

Year 3 Mass

Thank you to Year 3 who led our whole school Mass this week. We were thinking about when Jesus will come again and how we can be ready!
Year 4 led Mass

Year 4 led Mass

Thank you to Year 4 for leading Mass this morning. Wonderful reading and animated acting to help us understand the gospel and the important message that we can all change and be better people for God.
Special Visitors

Special Visitors

Today the Nursery children and children from Joseph’s Jigsaw had some very special visitors! The children all had the opportunity to hold, stroke and touch some beautiful animals including Colin the cockroach, a snake, guinea pig, honey bear and owl! The children all...
Year 5 Assembly

Year 5 Assembly

Year 5 did a wonderful job of leading our assembly this morning. The children shared all of their learning about Universal Children’s Day and linked it to Anti-bullying week and British Values which have been our focus in school this week. Well done children!
Year 5 Mass

Year 5 Mass

Thank you to Year 5 for leading our whole school Mass this morning. Following Mass we talked about how by serving each other we are serving God.
Odd Socks Day!

Odd Socks Day!

Lots of children wore odd socks to school today to highlight that we’re all special and unique! This is one of the activities we’re taking part in during Anti-bullying week as we learn about British Values too!