St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Laudato Si

Laudato Si

During Merit, Prayer and Liturgy today we reminded ourselves of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si. We talked about the importance of caring for creation and preserving the beautiful world God created for us to take care of.
School Council

School Council

Today our School Council held their first meeting of the school year. The children discussed their responsibility to have a say in making the school the best it can be.
Creation Guardians

Creation Guardians

Our Creation Guardians have had a busy week! First they harvested the potatoes they planted and then created a delicious soup to take home to enjoy! From the garden to the table!
Loudmouth Theatre

Loudmouth Theatre

A big thank you to Loudmouth Education and Training my who visited our school today to work with our Year 6 children. Loudmouth delivered their Helping Hands workshop which was all about keeping safe both in the real world and online as well as giving the children...


Our Mission Team opened our MVVP (Mission, Values, Vocation and Prayer) Week by sharing a prayer they wrote together. This week we will be looking at our school mission and values along with the importance of prayer and responding to God’s call.
Year 4 Mass

Year 4 Mass

Thank you to Year 4 for leading our whole school Mass this morning. We celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Walsingham and thought about how special Mary is to us.
Mary’s Meals

Mary’s Meals

A BIG thank you to Hannah who visited us from Mary’s Meals this week! We learned what happens to our donations and how it makes a difference to our brothers and sisters around the world.